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Item IDPhotoItem DescriptionDescription#PriceNotes Location
254082 AMAT ACMS0XT-ASG-E 1 Dresden, Saxony
253235 AMAT Raider-ECD-12 1 Dresden, Saxony
253447 AMAT RE10F2ECD1201RAIDER ECD310 1 Dresden, Saxony
253452 AMAT RE10F3ECD1202SEMITOOL RAIDER CFD 1 Dresden, Saxony
253451 AMAT RE10F3ECD124Raider ECD310 1 Dresden, Saxony
253448 AMAT RE12F2ECD1202Raider ECD310 1 Dresden, Saxony
254258 AMAT SPECTRUM 300 1 Malta, New York
250971 AP&S Customized Soln WET Clean Strip (8''tool) 1 Kulim, Kedah
250972 AP&S Customized Soln WET Clean Strip (8''tool) 1 Kulim, Kedah
230352 Applied Materials P16-072 1 Dresden, Saxony
254197 CFM Technologies FullFlow 1/99 8100 1 Burlington, Vermont
254198 CFM Technologies FullFlow 1/99 8100 1 Burlington, Vermont
252617 DNS SS-3100BRUSH CLEANER 1 East Fishkill, New York
252618 DNS SS-3100WET SCRUBBER/BRUSH CLEANER 1 East Fishkill, New York
254161 DNS SS-W80A-AR 1 Singapore
252614 DNS SU-320012 CHAMBER AQUASPIN 1 East Fishkill, New York
252615 DNS SU-3200 1 East Fishkill, New York
252616 DNS SU-3200 1 East Fishkill, New York
254067 DNS SU3100 1 Malta, New York
254367 DNS SU3100 1 N* Malta, New York
254252 DNS SU3100 1 Dresden, Saxony
251070 FSI EXCALIBUR ISRP5000 3 Chamber System with 2 1 Singapore
245290 FSI Excalibur ISRHF CLN 1 Singapore
250975 FSI PEA983_M10FSICL MECURRY PROCESS 1 Singapore
250976 FSI PEA983_M10FSICL MECURRY PROCESS 1 Singapore
243576 ISM Industrie Servic n.a.removing photo resists 1 Warstein, North Rhine-Westphalia
249206 Kufner 3522Single-Wafer Spin Etch machine 1 Warstein, North Rhine-Westphalia
249207 Kufner 3681 Nr. RAS6Single-Wafer Spin Etch machine 1 Warstein, North Rhine-Westphalia
249208 Kufner RÄS7Single-Wafer Spin Etch machine 1 Warstein, North Rhine-Westphalia
254248 LAM Research Corp. Sabre FX 1 Malta, New York
252586 LAM Research Corp. SEZ SP 203Spin Etch tool 1 Kulim, Kedah
251862 LAM Research Corp. SEZ203Spinprocessor Typ 10 1 Dresden, Saxony
251863 LAM Research Corp. SEZ203Spinprocessor Typ 10 1 Dresden, Saxony
246568 Ramgraber see attached type lableSingle-Wafer Spin Etching 1 Warstein, North Rhine-Westphalia
254138 SEZ 203 1 Singapore
251130 TAE YANG TECH WET BENCH 1 Singapore
253558 Tel WET Clean with Ultrasonic Cleaner 1 Kulim, Kedah

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  F* if the item is specially featured
  N* if the item is newly added, and/or
  R* if the item's price is recently reduced.

Items from the following manufacturers are offered under Other Wet Process Equipment:
AMAT, AP&S Customized Solutions, Applied Materials, Inc., CFM Technologies, DNS, FSI, ISM Industrie Service Mueller GmbH, Kufner, LAM Research Corp., Ramgraber, SEZ, TAE YANG TECH, Tel